

  • Provides a community of support for patients and an online wish list for patient’s needs, wants, and wishes
  • Enables patients to request financial assistance with medical expenses related to their illness
  • Wants enables patients to request items that can be purchased with a gift card or credit card
  • Wishes enables patients to request emotional and/or practical support such as prayers, visits, help with the family at home, etc.
  • Provides online capability for patients to connect, share their journey, post updates and personal victories, as well as receive comfort and support
  • Provides online capability to become a sponsor, view the registries, and contribute


  • Allows user to create a personal wish list
  • User can create a profile and use templates to personalize their wishlist
  • User can share pictures of items with comments as well as links to the desired item


  • Create a wish list of items
  • Easy to use and no registration required
  • Can include pictures and links to desired items

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